Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A visit with Santa

Sunday was supposed to be a quiet day. We had been thinking of spending the morning getting the house ready for Christmas, when I came across a post for Eagan's Holiday event at Holz Farm. It was supposed to be a warm(ish) day, so we got the kids dressed and headed out.

It was not warm! And the line for Santa was long. But, since we had already parked and promised the kids they could visit with the elf, we waited. With one of us always in line, the kids were able to sing Christmas carols, visit with the reindeer and warm up near the fire pits. Forty-five minutes later, we met with a wonderful Santa and the kids got to make some wishes. Jack wants a vacuum and a blender, preferably both green. Annalee wants toys.

They were jazzed to see Santa and Jack could have spent an hour talking to the man. But too soon, their turn was done and Santa was on to another family and J & A were on to the cookies and apple cider.

We went immediately home and everyone took a three hour nap. Gotta love an afternoon of cold, fresh air.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Little pieces of Heaven

Jack has begun asking questions about God and about death and the people who are no longer with us. A couple days ago, we were cuddling and he said to me, "Mom, did you color your eyes blue?" I told him no, that they are just that way. His response was this, "No, mom, God colored your eyes blue." I have no idea where he got that from, but I guess it, combined with genetics, is true. We say prayers every night and, as he is a stubborn kid, he will not go to bed until he has prayed for all of us, all of his friends and family, specific cousins, sometimes inanimate objects, and for his little sister (at least three times). He really likes the part where we say "for the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours" (side note - apparently Catholics do not say this! per Great-Grandma Ruth). God has power, he likes to tell me. God must be just like a super hero. Yep, little man, He kind of is.

Each night, we pray that those who have passed away keep watch over us. Specifically, we pray for my dad and Amanda. Jack knows who they are and it gives me a little happiness to know that, even though he won't grow up physically knowing them, he knows them and considers them his very own angels. In his little man voice, Jack asks about Heaven and I really think he believes that those who watch over him from up there have magic powers to keep him safe at night. A little piece of me still believes that too, I guess!

Curious little boy. Always asking questions
He also asks about death and dying. I don't believe that death is something to be scared of, and I am trying my hardest to explain what it is without making his three-year-old mind confused or worried. I do understand that death is a very difficult topic to grasp and discuss. He has said a few times that he does not want to be dead. I respond the best I know how, but it sure is heart-wrenching to hear him think of things like that. He is growing so quickly and learning so much that I just hope I can keep up and answer all of his questions with grace and truth. An aunt once told me that she never lies to her kids. If they ask a question, she answers it as fully and as knowledgably as she can, even if the truth is difficult to hear. I hope to emulate that and really hope that I can find the right answers.

Annalee, with her Grandma Joan dissapproval face. I LOVE this!


Friday, October 24, 2014

2 year stats

Annalee is two! Just in case you didn't realize this from my past two posts!
We made it to see Dr. Barry yesterday and she is a happy, healthy little girl!

Her stats are:
Height: 2'10" (64.48%)
Weight: 29 lbs (77.86%)
Head Circ.: 51.6 cm (99.88%)

So, we still have a large head, but it isn't the largest!

Some pics for you now.

We like to eat breakfast with our blanket on our head.That way, it doesn't get dirty!

Added again, because I just love this one!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Annalee turns 2! And gets to be in a wedding!

This weekend, we celebrated Annalee turning two by spending the day celebrating Zach and Krista's nuptials. We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful Saturday! The Fall leaves were vibrant and the sun was out all day! We were lucky to get to spend a majority of the afternoon outdoors for pictures and the happy couple was able to fully enjoy their day with family and friends. Annalee thought she was a princess and was delighted at the beautiful dress that she "got" for her birthday. She did a fantastic job walking down the aisle as the flower girl and tossed the petals in her basket like it was the most important duty ever! Auntie Em picked the kids up prior to the reception, so they could go home and have birthday cake and watch a movie. It allowed Ryan and I to have a much calmer experience at the reception and fully enjoy the evening. Win-win for all parties! Auntie Em, you are our superstar!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Annalee's birthday cake!

Coming soon, a blog post all about Annalee's 2nd birthday but first....

I made this cake and wanted to share it with the world!

It may look kind of like something any kid could make and the decorations may not be fantastic, but it is not the outside of the cake that I am pumped about. It is the inside!

I decided to theme Anna's birthday party as a rainbow party. I did this on the Monday of the party week. Note to self: don't do that ever again.

This cake is a compilation of recipes I found on Pintrest. It was easier than making the rainbow layer cake, as I was pressed for time and felt exhausted after doing all of my other self-inflicted projects!

So, this is how it went.

I mixed up a white cake mix and created the different colors for the rainbow cake in separate bowls using colored gel.

I then gobbed the batter into a prepared pan. I chose to use an angel food cake pan with the thought of cutting the finished product in half and creating two separate rainbow shaped cakes and adding the cupcakes to the bottom to act as clouds. That did not happen, as you will see, but the thought was there!

 The cake was then baked per the directions on the box. Perhaps it was lazy of me to use a boxed cake, but those folks have been doing it a long time and I assume they stay in business for the ease and deliciousness of their products! 
Here is the completed product prior to decoration. I then baked a couple dozen cupcakes to ensure everyone would have their proper allotment of birthday cake at the party!

Here is the finished product! Delicious and vibrant, just like our little birthday girl!
I'd say she was pretty darn happy with it! Happy rainbow birthday, Annalee!


Monday, September 29, 2014

It's already the end of September!

I have been so terrible about this blog! Now that work has calmed down and the weather is starting to turn, I am going to make a concentrated effort to get back on here at least once a week and post pictures and antidotes from our outings and adventures with Jack and Annalee!

This past weekend, we took the kids to the 101Marketplace in Otsego, MN. Though I would not recommend purchasing the wristbands for "activities" as they were quite a rip-off, the kids seemed to enjoy jumping in the large pit of corn and playing with some new friends. We had a nice time catching up with the Hardecopfs, friends of Ryan from his days at Concordia. Both kids zonked out on the car ride home, so they must have had a fun time!

I say it nearly every post, but the kids are not only growing by leaps and bounds, but the constant chatter continues to keep us amused. Annalee is convinced that whenever some kind of candle is lit that it is her birthday. We keep reminding her of the distance between now and her big 2 and she will walk around the house saying, "Anna, birfday, three week". She is speaking in two to three word phrases now and just keeps finding more words to grab a hold of. Her favorite phrase right now is "me, Anna" said while patting her tummy and requesting whatever it is that she wants. She likes to growl like a bear.

Funny side story...we were in Ikea one night about three weeks ago. Jack had been dropped off at the play area and we were walking around with just Annalee. She runs up to another little girl who was probably 6 months older than she and was nicely walking with her family. Annalee looks at the girl, roars at her and walks away. The mom starts laughing while the other little girl looks stunned. Annalee walked back to us like nothing happened. I had to apologize to the family while wondering what in the world was going through our little girl's mind.

Annalee also likes to run really "fast" and breath like she is out of breath.

Jack is full of piss and vinegar lately. His pushing and hitting phase seems to be waning, which is a God-send. We read books all about how "hands are not for hitting" and "why do I get angry". They seem to be sinking in. He and his sister continue to get in fights but the times when they are able to play peacefully are becoming more frequent and quieter. We have decided to allow them to fight it out as long as no one seems to be getting hurt. I am hoping this leads to less tattling and more cooperation.

Jack's language continues to amaze us. He asks questions constantly. We were in Target the other day and the woman behind me kept giggling because his questions were loud and constant. He tells us stories and likes to make sure that he is being heard. If we talk when he wants to say something, he will insert himself right in front of one of our faces and tell us that he really needs to talk to us.

He has become more and more independent. He wants to help in the kitchen whenever anyone is cooking, he goes to his room to just "work" at his desk, he knows how to play on the computer and understands how to make the Kindle play all of his shows and books. He shows us daily how quickly he learns and is able to pick up new information.

Ryan started his last semester of school a couple weeks ago. By the end of December, he will have his communications degree! We are very proud of him for finishing up this bucket list item and hope that it leads to many more life opportunities!

I am just plugging away at work, like usual. Nothing new there!

Now, for a few pics!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Growth info

Jack and Annalee are growing by leaps and bounds! Both kids recently had their well-child visits. Their info is:

Jack, age 3
Height, 3/2.5" (73.49%)
Weight, 37 lb 6.4 oz (91.67%)
I guess they stop doing head circumference at 3!

Annalee, age 1.5
Height 3'8.25" (60.08%)
Weight 25lb 11.2oz (83.43%)
Head Circum. 50.9cm (99.95%)

They are both healthy and happy!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

April (March) showers bring May flowers


 A few new Jack quotes, "Never fear!Super Jack is here!" is one of my favorites. The other day, I laid down with him before bed and he put his arm around me and said, "Don't worry, mama, I'll keep you safe and sound!" Melted my heart. Makes me think that he is going to be in to doing good and helping to save the world when he grows up. But then he pushes Anna over to steal a toy and makes her cry....

Annalee is starting to figure out words. Her favorite is still "No" but she is getting used to saying "Please" when she wants something. She still cries when she doesn't get her way, but she is starting to figure out how to ask for what she wants, which is making life a little easier. "Me" is a big one too.

It is currently raining outside, and, though I heard it is snowing up north, it still makes me feel a little gloomy. I long for spring to be here and to have the whole backyard to play in when we get home after work and daycare. My kids need fresh air and I need the freedom of knowing that they are getting as much time outside as they need. I am tired of Caillou, though I don't think Jack will ever be, and I am tired of all the winter sickness that is still going around. Sunday promises to be a beautiful day, so I hope to get out for some kind of walk and let the kids run off some of their pent up energy.

As I have resorted to writing about the weather, I think I will sign off. I wish you all a wonderful evening. Good night.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Look who is a big girl!

Annalee is finally facing forward! For all those of you who think that kids should be facing the back until they are 2, I agree with a point. This little girl was crunched in that car seat, with her knees about up to her chin. I felt she was uncomfortable and cranky each time we folded her into the car. Yesterday morning, when we were on our way home from daycare and she was forward-facing, I could tell how different she felt about the ride. Though this pic does not show it, she was smiley, watching the world go by, not getting dizzy from sitting backwards while being propelled forwards. My family can attest to my distaste for sitting backwards in a car (really, doing anything other than sitting in the front seat, looking out). I get carsick at the mere thought, so to be able to give my little girl the freedom to face the world head on was a great feeling. Also, Jack can no longer reach over and steal things from her poor little hands.

The kids are heading to visit their Grandma Jodie this weekend. I am going to stay back and do some much needed spring cleaning and sleep. I am so appreciative of weekends where I can just be. I would love to go out with them to Wisconsin, but to have a kid-free weekend is such a luxury that I am excited to cross things off our to-do list and be a better mom when they all come home.

Today, I am heading home a little early, picking the kids up from daycare and my friend Lindsay is bringing her little ones over for a play date while she and her husband have a meeting with their money person. Four kids in the house! M & K are right around the same age as Jack & Annalee, and they have a great time when we are together. I hope my kids shortened naps won't keep them from playing themselves out and giving Ryan and I a calm night!

Here's crossing our fingers that I get some cute photos of the bunch and remember to post them in the coming days.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

We have had a long, busy winter, tucked indoors. With the snow finally melting, we have been trying to get out more frequently. We took the kids for a walk at the park on Saturday. Jack insisted on pushing the stroller nearly the entire walk, whether Annalee was in it or not. Side note - we will no longer be bringing a stroller places, rather just the child back pack as pushing with a near 3-year-old walking in front of you, demanding he do it by himself is completely annoying! Annalee wanted to walk, for the most part, so we didn't get too far with her little legs, but at least they got some fresh air. I am so looking forward to opening all the windows in the house and getting things aired out. I am not looking forward to cleaning up the yard after having so many dogs out there all winter! I wonder if Ryan would let us hire out that job!?!

Jack has an amazing imagination that makes us all laugh pretty regularly. He will crash a car into another toy and then the two toys will have a conversation, along with an apology for causing the crash in the first place. He tells stories like it is his job. We get to hear them and he tells other tall tales to his daycare friends. They often involve me bonking my head and Super Jackie saving the day. When we are just sitting around he will come up to us with his hands on his hips and his arms jutted out and say, "Oh no! You are stuck in the mud! Never fear, Super Jack is here! I will save you and bring you to my house." And then he carts us off to his house. He is typically wearing a cape for all of these interactions. The boy is just a riot. We are so lucky!

Annalee is starting to make up her own language. She babbles at us constantly and is always prying our attention away from her brother to make us look and converse with her. The struggles of a little sister with an annoying older brother are many, poor kid! She knows how to say Please, Momma, Dada, Yes, No (this one is her favorite), Jack, and a whole lot of other little words that I don't know yet what they mean. She loves trucks, as they make up the majority of our toys. She has two baby dolls that she carts around with her wherever she goes, though. She, in following after her mother and brother, loves her nummy. Maybe not as much as we love ours, but she giggles whenever you give it to her and she pulls it along after her whenever it is in the living room.

So, there is my much awaited update. I will keep trying to get to this blog, but I make no guarantees! I do love coming back here, though, and looking through old posts. It is funny how much I forget that I have written down. I hope my kids can appreciate my words when they get older.

Love to all who have stuck with this blog.  Laura