Thursday, October 30, 2014

Little pieces of Heaven

Jack has begun asking questions about God and about death and the people who are no longer with us. A couple days ago, we were cuddling and he said to me, "Mom, did you color your eyes blue?" I told him no, that they are just that way. His response was this, "No, mom, God colored your eyes blue." I have no idea where he got that from, but I guess it, combined with genetics, is true. We say prayers every night and, as he is a stubborn kid, he will not go to bed until he has prayed for all of us, all of his friends and family, specific cousins, sometimes inanimate objects, and for his little sister (at least three times). He really likes the part where we say "for the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours" (side note - apparently Catholics do not say this! per Great-Grandma Ruth). God has power, he likes to tell me. God must be just like a super hero. Yep, little man, He kind of is.

Each night, we pray that those who have passed away keep watch over us. Specifically, we pray for my dad and Amanda. Jack knows who they are and it gives me a little happiness to know that, even though he won't grow up physically knowing them, he knows them and considers them his very own angels. In his little man voice, Jack asks about Heaven and I really think he believes that those who watch over him from up there have magic powers to keep him safe at night. A little piece of me still believes that too, I guess!

Curious little boy. Always asking questions
He also asks about death and dying. I don't believe that death is something to be scared of, and I am trying my hardest to explain what it is without making his three-year-old mind confused or worried. I do understand that death is a very difficult topic to grasp and discuss. He has said a few times that he does not want to be dead. I respond the best I know how, but it sure is heart-wrenching to hear him think of things like that. He is growing so quickly and learning so much that I just hope I can keep up and answer all of his questions with grace and truth. An aunt once told me that she never lies to her kids. If they ask a question, she answers it as fully and as knowledgably as she can, even if the truth is difficult to hear. I hope to emulate that and really hope that I can find the right answers.

Annalee, with her Grandma Joan dissapproval face. I LOVE this!


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