We have had a long, busy winter, tucked indoors. With the snow finally melting, we have been trying to get out more frequently. We took the kids for a walk at the park on Saturday. Jack insisted on pushing the stroller nearly the entire walk, whether Annalee was in it or not. Side note - we will no longer be bringing a stroller places, rather just the child back pack as pushing with a near 3-year-old walking in front of you, demanding he do it by himself is completely annoying! Annalee wanted to walk, for the most part, so we didn't get too far with her little legs, but at least they got some fresh air. I am so looking forward to opening all the windows in the house and getting things aired out. I am not looking forward to cleaning up the yard after having so many dogs out there all winter! I wonder if Ryan would let us hire out that job!?!
Jack has an amazing imagination that makes us all laugh pretty regularly. He will crash a car into another toy and then the two toys will have a conversation, along with an apology for causing the crash in the first place. He tells stories like it is his job. We get to hear them and he tells other tall tales to his daycare friends. They often involve me bonking my head and Super Jackie saving the day. When we are just sitting around he will come up to us with his hands on his hips and his arms jutted out and say, "Oh no! You are stuck in the mud! Never fear, Super Jack is here! I will save you and bring you to my house." And then he carts us off to his house. He is typically wearing a cape for all of these interactions. The boy is just a riot. We are so lucky!
Annalee is starting to make up her own language. She babbles at us constantly and is always prying our attention away from her brother to make us look and converse with her. The struggles of a little sister with an annoying older brother are many, poor kid! She knows how to say Please, Momma, Dada, Yes, No (this one is her favorite), Jack, and a whole lot of other little words that I don't know yet what they mean. She loves trucks, as they make up the majority of our toys. She has two baby dolls that she carts around with her wherever she goes, though. She, in following after her mother and brother, loves her nummy. Maybe not as much as we love ours, but she giggles whenever you give it to her and she pulls it along after her whenever it is in the living room.
So, there is my much awaited update. I will keep trying to get to this blog, but I make no guarantees! I do love coming back here, though, and looking through old posts. It is funny how much I forget that I have written down. I hope my kids can appreciate my words when they get older.
Love to all who have stuck with this blog. Laura

Jack has an amazing imagination that makes us all laugh pretty regularly. He will crash a car into another toy and then the two toys will have a conversation, along with an apology for causing the crash in the first place. He tells stories like it is his job. We get to hear them and he tells other tall tales to his daycare friends. They often involve me bonking my head and Super Jackie saving the day. When we are just sitting around he will come up to us with his hands on his hips and his arms jutted out and say, "Oh no! You are stuck in the mud! Never fear, Super Jack is here! I will save you and bring you to my house." And then he carts us off to his house. He is typically wearing a cape for all of these interactions. The boy is just a riot. We are so lucky!
Annalee is starting to make up her own language. She babbles at us constantly and is always prying our attention away from her brother to make us look and converse with her. The struggles of a little sister with an annoying older brother are many, poor kid! She knows how to say Please, Momma, Dada, Yes, No (this one is her favorite), Jack, and a whole lot of other little words that I don't know yet what they mean. She loves trucks, as they make up the majority of our toys. She has two baby dolls that she carts around with her wherever she goes, though. She, in following after her mother and brother, loves her nummy. Maybe not as much as we love ours, but she giggles whenever you give it to her and she pulls it along after her whenever it is in the living room.
So, there is my much awaited update. I will keep trying to get to this blog, but I make no guarantees! I do love coming back here, though, and looking through old posts. It is funny how much I forget that I have written down. I hope my kids can appreciate my words when they get older.
Love to all who have stuck with this blog. Laura

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