This past weekend, we took the kids to the 101Marketplace in Otsego, MN. Though I would not recommend purchasing the wristbands for "activities" as they were quite a rip-off, the kids seemed to enjoy jumping in the large pit of corn and playing with some new friends. We had a nice time catching up with the Hardecopfs, friends of Ryan from his days at Concordia. Both kids zonked out on the car ride home, so they must have had a fun time!
I say it nearly every post, but the kids are not only growing by leaps and bounds, but the constant chatter continues to keep us amused. Annalee is convinced that whenever some kind of candle is lit that it is her birthday. We keep reminding her of the distance between now and her big 2 and she will walk around the house saying, "Anna, birfday, three week". She is speaking in two to three word phrases now and just keeps finding more words to grab a hold of. Her favorite phrase right now is "me, Anna" said while patting her tummy and requesting whatever it is that she wants. She likes to growl like a bear.
Funny side story...we were in Ikea one night about three weeks ago. Jack had been dropped off at the play area and we were walking around with just Annalee. She runs up to another little girl who was probably 6 months older than she and was nicely walking with her family. Annalee looks at the girl, roars at her and walks away. The mom starts laughing while the other little girl looks stunned. Annalee walked back to us like nothing happened. I had to apologize to the family while wondering what in the world was going through our little girl's mind.
Annalee also likes to run really "fast" and breath like she is out of breath.
Jack is full of piss and vinegar lately. His pushing and hitting phase seems to be waning, which is a God-send. We read books all about how "hands are not for hitting" and "why do I get angry". They seem to be sinking in. He and his sister continue to get in fights but the times when they are able to play peacefully are becoming more frequent and quieter. We have decided to allow them to fight it out as long as no one seems to be getting hurt. I am hoping this leads to less tattling and more cooperation.
Jack's language continues to amaze us. He asks questions constantly. We were in Target the other day and the woman behind me kept giggling because his questions were loud and constant. He tells us stories and likes to make sure that he is being heard. If we talk when he wants to say something, he will insert himself right in front of one of our faces and tell us that he really needs to talk to us.
He has become more and more independent. He wants to help in the kitchen whenever anyone is cooking, he goes to his room to just "work" at his desk, he knows how to play on the computer and understands how to make the Kindle play all of his shows and books. He shows us daily how quickly he learns and is able to pick up new information.
Ryan started his last semester of school a couple weeks ago. By the end of December, he will have his communications degree! We are very proud of him for finishing up this bucket list item and hope that it leads to many more life opportunities!
I am just plugging away at work, like usual. Nothing new there!
Now, for a few pics!

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