Monday, November 23, 2015

It's beginning to look a lot like Chirstmas (a week before Thanksgiving)

 On Saturday night, we met up with Katie, Josh and family in Rice Park to watch the City light the Christmas tree and light up the park. It was smelly! Not in a good, oh yeah, it's Christmas, kind of smelly. Rather, a sewer/rotten egg/decaying leaf kind of smelly. It stuck with us even as we headed out from the site. Not a good start when you are trying to make memories! But, with this being the week before Thanksgiving, what better activity than to bundle up and head out to watch fireworks and holiday lighting light up the evening sky.

The kids thought the fireworks were fun and it was a short visit outside to get some fresh (smelly) air. All in all, it was a nice night out with friends and we hope to do more winter activities soon. We are heading North for Thanksgiving and looking forward to spending some time at the farm with my family. The snow is on its way and we are hoping for a white Christmas!

Tired children along to indulge mom!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Yesterday, I got a call a little after noon. My friend Jessica was at a week-long convention in Milwaukee and her husband took that to mean that he should allow his body to start producing gallstones (kidding, Matt!). With family nowhere near the cities, we were asked to step in and take the kids for the night so Matt could have his gallbladder removed. No problem, right? Just get the van to the park, shuffle car seats, find a pack and play (thank you Sara!), cook up a dinner that three picky children will eat, grab some diapers and milk from their house for the baby and get all four to bed before 8. Though it was a little bit chaotic, taking care of four kids under 5, it turned out to be a pretty fun night. The kids have known each other nearly all their lives, so they fight like siblings and boss each other around like everyone is in charge. They get a bit sassy when they are all together, but we love their individual personalities and love that they will always have each other to lean on.

That being said, I am quite content with our little family of four and applaud all the momma's out there who take care of a huge brood on a regular basis. You are amazing!

Photos from the night: