Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Annalee one year stats

Annalee had her 1 year checkup today. One year! Where does the time go? She is toddling and babbling and fighting with her brother at such a pace that it feels like she will be a teenager before we know it! I wonder if she will ever get any hair, though!

Her one year stats are as follows:

28.75” tall (34%)
23lbs 2.4oz heavy (88%)
48.5cm head circum. (100%!)

The following is from the blog post from Jack’s first year.

Jack weighed in at his one year appointment just under 27 lbs, at 26 lbs, 14 oz, to be exact. This places him in the 95th percentile for weights. It will come as no surprise, then, that his head seems to measure in the 98th percentile. Oh, giant headed baby, how we love you! He isn't quite as tall, though, measuring in at 30.5 inches, which is in the 75th percent. Needless to say, the doctor said that Jack is a very healthy baby, with a very healthy baby belly!

Yes, yes, I know comparing is not something we are supposed to do. And I don’t compare their rate of much, but I wanted to look at these stats because it just shows that they are pretty much on the same track of growth. And, they both have our large heads! Ha!

We did a couple small celebrations for Annalee’s birthday, including one with Grandma Joan and Grandpa John, another with Adam, Sarah, Henry and James and Emily and Nick and then one last one with Grandma Jodie, Casey and Abbie, Justin, Ellie, Maggie and Piper. For her actual birthday, we took the day off and spent it at the zoo. For our calm baby, a bunch of calm parties, rather than a large, overwhelming event.

This week is also Ryan’s 36th birthday, so we have indulged in too much cake and not exercised enough. That will come in time, though. One more weekend of cake and then we really need to buckle down and start raking up all the leaves in the yard. Welcome to the Fall!

Grandma and Grandpa came for a
visit to celebrate Annalee!
Birthday lunch outside

Daddy's special birthday cupcake

opening a gift from Grandpa Paul and Bea!

We read all the words of the cards before opening presents!

Great-Grandma came to lunch with us!

Daddy's little girl

Not loving the brass gorilla at Como

MMMMM! Cupcake!

Jack. dancing. In his princess dress (a towel!)

Chatting with James.

James needs a hug....right?

Look who's one!

Hanging with Auntie Em

Henry and Sarah

Happy birthday to Daddy! We love you!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Long awaited update

Well, I am terrible! Every time I think about the blog, I am either away from a computer or doing something important and forget about posting by the time I complete the other task. So, here it is, 10 p.m. on a Wednesday night and I am wondering why I am still awake. The answer to that is, no one knows! Between the kids, work and Ryan being a full-time student, it feels like our sleep pattern is sorely lacking. If I could find two uninterrupted days to just sleep, I might feel a bit more caught up, but I regress!

The real reason I am on the computer this late at night is because Annalee actually smiled at the camera today and I actually caught it! She is such a contemplative child that a real happy smile is hard to come by, especially when I have a camera in hand.

there you go!

In a little over two weeks, this little girl will turn one and we are just starting to see all the wonderful ways she is growing. From taking in everything around her to following every little movement of her brother to talking up a storm, Annalee is something special and we are so incredibly lucky she is ours! Jack, in his true two-year-old fashion, was sent inside before this photo was taken for a little cooling off period. He thought wrestling in the balls was a fun idea. Perhaps it would have been....two years from now! Jack is a little rough with his sister, and, though she can take it like a champ, I think sometimes it is best to just let her play calmly in the balls with no big brother interaction.

During my blogging absence, Annalee had her 8 month appointment and her stats are floating around our house somewhere. Poor second child. Suffice to say, she has a large Knollmaier/Weyandt head (100%) just like Jack; is somewhere in the middle with length and weight; and is a ham when she sees Dr. Berry.

We go in for one year shots in a couple weeks and I am sure she will be heavier, longer and just as calm about the dr. as ever.

As for Jack, he keeps us on our toes. He is constantly chatting and making up stories. The other day he put some plastic thing to his eye and told me he saw dragons, no wait, a lion, oh nope, a puppy. But mom, it's mine. You no touch it. It's my favorite. We are in the midst of figuring out this whole potty training thing and really need to make one weekend a true nothing but potty training weekend for him. He loves anything to do with being outside and anything to do with cars. He really loves running around the house (usually sans pants) wearing a cape and saving the world, or at least Tippi, from undesirable consequences. This usually includes chasing Hugo around the living room or trying to get Annalee to chase him. It is a loud house, usually a happy house, and far from boring!

With that, I leave you for the night. I promise to be a bit more consistent with this blog, but I can guarantee nothing. I really enjoy looking back on previous posts to see where we were and where we are going, though, so I hope I can keep it up a little better! 

Thank you for reading! Have a wonderful night. 
Love, Laura