We celebrated my thirtieth birthday this weekend and, in all honesty, I can say I feel no different today than I did last week! We had too much fun, and I can tell that my recovery time is sorely lacking, though if that is from age or children, I don't quite know. I do know, however, that I should not have stayed up so late last night, when I knew Jack would sound the alarm early this morning.

Our babies are growing in leaps and bounds. I caught Jack in the bedroom this morning, playing with the scale. When he hopped off, it read 31.4! He is really coming into himself and his strong personality, while at times challenging, is pretty neat to see. He loves talking and is beginning to be more understandable. B words are his strong suite this week (bus, bone, bird, boat). It is just a matter of time before he learns the meaning of "why" and then, I fear, he will pester us to no end with words and questions. As it is, most mornings he wakes up and has a conversation with his stuffed animals long before he calls out for one of us to get him.
Annalee will be three months old in five days. She has grown in to size two diapers and is almost too long for her three month sleepers. We are going to have to break out the next size up pretty quick here! Ryan is busy working on bookcases for the upstairs staircase to replace the bannister, and, as soon as that is done, Jack will be moving to a big boy mattress and we will be transitioning Annalee upstairs to share a room with her brother. She has had multiple nights of sleeping through the night, so I am really hoping that the transition goes smoothly and Jack is able to sleep through most of the noise she is sure to make.
My friend Katie had her twins on my birthday, which was a great surprise! She was able to go home yesterday, but the twins, Maren and Owen, will be in the NICU for a little while longer, gaining weight and skills. They were early, but are strong kids, already breathing on their own. And they are adorable, with dark heads of hair and perfect little faces. Kind of made me want another....for about one second!
Our holidays were great; I apologize for not reporting on them. Jack seemed a little overwhelmed with all the gifts and most likely would have enjoyed a large box just as much as anything he received. Though the police cars and all their noises and movements do keep his attention for long spans of time! It was a great season with lots of family and love.
I am back to work as of nearly two weeks ago. The transition was pretty easy, however, Annalee is not quite taking to daycare yet, so my anxiety about that has not yet calmed. With time, though, I am sure she will be fine. As much as I wish I could stay home, I thank our lucky stars that I have such an incredible job and get to work with great people. Our little people are gaining wonderful social skills at Sandy's house (does sitting on other children count towards or against a little boy's social skills?!) and they really do love her. So, there's that!
Annalee and Marcella Gable! |
Sara O, cuddling with Jack and Annalee |
Sara O and Katie, two days before the twins arrival! |
Jack cuddling with Annalee |
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