About the only time I seem to log onto this site is to post about birthdays, so here I am again, ringing in another year of Anna's life! Annalee is five!! Five years of living under the same roof as this spunky, happy, intelligent, beautiful little person who has the biggest heart that I have ever known. I am exhausted, because she does not really like to sleep through the night, but hey, we can handle that! Annalee, you hate wearing shoes, love wearing dresses, really dislike when Jack is picking on you and you would jump in to help even your worst enemy (of which you have none, because, let's face it, you're five).

We pulled out all the stops for this birthday, picking Anna up from school early to go get a pedi/mani with mom and then to build a bear for a new stuffed friend. The biggest surprise, however, turned out to be something that Dad said we would never get....a kitten! Ryan surprised everyone by going out and adopting a black kitten and bringing him home to catch mice. Annalee waivered between naming him Junior and Bobcat, but Bob won in the end and our Bob Cat is finding a nice home in Bloomington. He isn't so sure about poor old Tippi, but I am convinced that as soon as he figures out that she is a warm body during the cold winter months, they will be best of friends.
Within an hour, the kitten became old news, so we headed back to MOA (ugh) and went to dinner at the Rainforest Café so that Anna could have the birthday volcano. Then...rides for the girl. Jack and I headed to the lego store to play while Dad and Anna bonded over high flying fun.

So, there you have it! Annalee is five and the next birthday is only days away, when Ryan will turn 40! 40 is so old!!! Kidding, Ryan....
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