We had Annalee's preschool screening on Friday. She exceeded expectations for her age group and at the end of the screening, the woman playing all the games with Anna said, "It is great that she is going to ELA in the fall, they will assess her there and let you know if she is still advanced as she ages." I bet she will get to go to PEP (that's for you, Emily and Adam).
Her stubborn nature showed through at the screening, when asked to jump on one foot, she said no and stuck to it. Which is weird, since we practiced before we went, but I guess that foot just didn't want to work on Friday. She also refused to count to the number seven. The number three, sure. The number eight, no problem. The number seven? Absolutely not.
Enough about the screening, though! It appears I have not updated this page for months, so I will say that we had a wonderful Christmas in Wisconsin with Ryan's family and then a nice weekend with my Weyandt Family after that. The kids are so much fun at the holidays and loved seeing everyone and getting gifts. We were able to go sledding and be outside before this brutal cold hit.
As the new year approached, sickness entered our house and lingered for awhile. It started with Annalee having to come home from daycare and progressed through everyone but Jack. Knowing him, he will wait until we are on our way to Florida to get sick and power through so as to not miss out on any of the fun.
Jack is excelling in preschool, growing his group of friends and getting excited to learn more and more. We really lucked out with these two kids of ours and, even when they test our patience (let's be honest, neither of us have much) we are still able to realize how lucky we are to have them.
More to come soon, as I really do want to keep this updated with photos. We hope everyone is having a wonderful 2016 so far! I am excited to see what this year brings!
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