My Grandma Anne passed away last week. She died less than a month after my Grandpa Max. Five weeks to the day, the Fulton clan was back at St. Joseph's Catholic Church saying goodbye to another of the family's leaders. I have so many feelings about her passing. Some are thankful that she is where she wants to be; with my grandpa. Some are angry because death has a way of making me feel that way. Most are just sad. In our family, there has been tension for years about things that I was too young to grasp when they were happening. I still do not fully comprehend the pain that the adults in my life were able to cause each other and I don't know if I even care to understand them now that she is gone. The past is in the past and forgiveness and moving on after old feelings were unearthed for some are going to have to be the next steps taken on this journey.That being said, I loved my Grandma and am quite sad that she is no longer around to chat with. I wholeheartedly believe that she, my Grandpa and my dad are watching over us and having a good laugh together about the folly's we find ourselves in down here. I also think my dad might be shaking his fist at his brothers and sister, wondering how he is going to adjust to dealing with both of them with so little time to adjust! Ha! That is a funny thought.
To all who have offered condolences to my family, thank you. Everything is fine and we have some wonderful memories that will keep their memory alive. And this summer, I plan on kicking ass when it comes to finding four-leaf clovers and will dedicate each of those little treasures to Anne Fulton's memory.
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma. Family tension is never good; it's only made worse by the short length of time you've had from one loss to the next. Holding you and your family in my heart as you grieve and miss a wonderful love in your life. <3