A few new Jack quotes, "Never fear!Super Jack is here!" is one of my favorites. The other day, I laid down with him before bed and he put his arm around me and said, "Don't worry, mama, I'll keep you safe and sound!" Melted my heart. Makes me think that he is going to be in to doing good and helping to save the world when he grows up. But then he pushes Anna over to steal a toy and makes her cry....
Annalee is starting to figure out words. Her favorite is still "No" but she is getting used to saying "Please" when she wants something. She still cries when she doesn't get her way, but she is starting to figure out how to ask for what she wants, which is making life a little easier. "Me" is a big one too.
It is currently raining outside, and, though I heard it is snowing up north, it still makes me feel a little gloomy. I long for spring to be here and to have the whole backyard to play in when we get home after work and daycare. My kids need fresh air and I need the freedom of knowing that they are getting as much time outside as they need. I am tired of Caillou, though I don't think Jack will ever be, and I am tired of all the winter sickness that is still going around. Sunday promises to be a beautiful day, so I hope to get out for some kind of walk and let the kids run off some of their pent up energy.
As I have resorted to writing about the weather, I think I will sign off. I wish you all a wonderful evening. Good night.