Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Jack has been saying some of the funniest things lately (to us, anyhow). Last night, he picked up a big book and told me that he had a story to read to me and Annalee. So, we sat down across from him and he began telling us about a giant washing his car and how the Orange Superhero, Jack Big Boy rushed up there and stopped the rain. This story is much like a story that Caillou tells on the show, but who knows how the orange superhero came to be. He was pretty excited to be telling us a story, so he went on telling the same one for five minutes or so.

Then, at bed time, as I was trying to leave the room, he asked me why my foot hurt. My foot did not hurt, but I played along. He told me that he was a doctor and that he would fix me. First, he listened to my heart beat by putting his hand on my chest. All good, he said. Then, he asked to see my eyes and pulled down my glasses. Good. Then he asked to look into both ears and then another eye inspection. Nothing wrong with you, he told me. Then, he asked to look at my foot. He patted it and then pretended to do something. He then told me I was all better. And allowed me to let him sleep after three hugs and kisses. Where does this kid come up with some of these things? He is a creative little fella, that's for sure!

Annalee is getting her seventh, eigth and ninth teeth, so is drooling and a bit miserable. She is such a calm, easy-going baby that this teething is pretty easy, though. She has begun walking and already knows how to push up from any position to standing. It won't be long until she is running around with her big brother and getting into all sorts of mischief. Now to get her hair to grow!

We are heading to Ohio next week to spend some quality time with Grandpa Paul, Bea, Nancy and John and are really looking forward to seeing everyone for the holiday. It will be interesting to see how traveling with two kids goes. I am a little anxious about the whole airplane ride, but I am sure it will turn out just fine and it will be a great trip. The dogs will have a great time at Lucky Dog and we have rented a car for getting around, so I think everything is set. All we have to do is just get there!

Well, that's all for now. Will try to update as the holidays roll through and I take more pictures!

Love to you all.

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