Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Jack's 5th year stats

I promise, promise, promise to post an update on our new house soon and fill you in on life, but right now, I have something far more important to write into this journaling space....Jack's five year stats. And in looking through the past few posts, it seems that most things are about Jack right now. That is simply not true, he just has had a great past couple months with much to talk about! We will be all about Annalee soon!

So, without further ado:
Jack is 3'9.98" tall (92nd percentile)
50 lbs on the dot (90th percentile)
and there is no longer a head circumference measurement, so we will just go with the idea that his head is still as large as ever!
There were measurements of BP (low) and BMI (average) too, but, well, another time and place for those two things!

Jack's eyesight is great and his letter comprehension is great and his number/counting skills are great. So, he is just great! He is a headstrong child who gets his way far more than he should (my fault, not Ryan's). He is a compassionate kid who worries about his sister when she hurts herself. He is friendly to everyone and has no problem introducing himself around a classroom. Jack is a unique force and is going to have an awesome summer at day camp and will be moving on to Kindergarten in the Fall.